10 Healthy Habits Every Person Should Incorporate

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At the end of every wasted weekend, some of us always have this conversation with self: What am I actually doing with my life? As this generation is turning out to be lazy who would prefer to just spend their entire weekend laying in bed and fixating eyes to a TV-show – that’s not something healthy. Have you ever thought what have you done to your body, mind, and heart while adopting some of the very toxic health habits of all? If no then it’s high time that you do.



The easiest way to do this is to track your food habits: How much of a junk are you consuming each day? Are you drinking enough water to keep your body hydrated? Are you involved in any kind of physical activity in a day? The healthy habits that you would incorporate in your everyday lives are those that would keep you healthy while making your mind, body, and heart active than ever before. Let’s look at these habits one at a time to know why they need to be adopted in the first place. 



1. Go on a 20 minute-walk every day:

Imagine you wake up, lay in the bed for about 45 minutes to surf the internet on your little device, later go back to sleep for those 5 extra minutes, and then rushing back to the office by giving yourself a very little time to do something productive in the morning. 



A simple walk in your neighbourhood can help you lose extra pounds, get yourself a perfect kick-start in the morning, and helps improve your metabolism significantly. 



2. Meditation is Essential:

So much awareness about physical health is provided but a healthy body is a wonderful combination of both physical and mental health. To take care of your mental health, pull out a Yoga Mat and sit on it to relax for quite a while. If you have a peaceful neighbourhood, then you can meditate in your balcony or on your terrace. If not, then your room is just fine. 



3. Hot Steamy Bath to Relax Your Muscle:

Your work out should be immediately followed by a long hot shower which would do the job of relaxing your muscles. To infuse some aroma in your bathroom, you can make use of essential oils and bath salts. The idea is just to relax your mind and body after a mighty workout.



4. Brush Your Teeth, Not One but Twice:

You don’t want to visit the painful chambers of any dentist whosoever. Trust me; it is so much better to invest in good oral health than being in a painful situation in a dentist’s chamber for hours. Taking good care of your teeth is pretty simple, follow this: Brush twice, Floss twice. 



5. Sit Right:

Have you ever felt like dozing off on your work desk? Yes? That’s because you are not sitting correctly. By sitting right, I mean sitting in a correct posture which is very essential for your body to get enough oxygen or in simpler words: for your respiratory system to work fine. 



6. Walk 7000+ steps in a day:


Trust me; you wouldn’t want an extra hour to hit the gym if you choose to follow this properly. It is not that tough, anyway. All you need to do is to make a routine in which “walking” comes into play. You know the drill already, walk instead of taking a cab for a shorter distance. Or, rather, switch to taking the stairs instead of the elevator. 



7. Read Books:

Again, for your mental health, this is integral. You know, what’s the best part in it? You have the leverage to choose whatever book that you want to read. It need not be related to health, body, or mind. If you want to learn more about newer technology or personal finances, go ahead. The idea is to gain more chunks of knowledge every now and then.



8. Say no to processed food:

If you don’t believe in the art of cooking extravagant meals, start with something simple. The food that you pick from the takeouts is degrading your health one piece at a time. Here’s a fun idea: subscribe to a cooking channel on YouTube and follow easy to make (5 minutes) healthy recipes for your breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 



9. Strictly avoid anything with Soda:

Soda drinks have a high quantity of sugar that actually doesn’t make you feel full while adding units to your existing weight. In a study, it has been revealed that people who consumed soda on a regular basis are 17% more likely to be obese than other people. To regulate your calorie intake, the first step to follow is to cut down on added sugar i.e. anything with soda. 



10. Avoid Drinking Water for 30 minutes after each meal:


Although it is required for every person to drink a specific quantity of water every single day, however, one doesn’t want to drink water for about 30 minutes after having a full meal be it your lunch, breakfast, or even a tiny portion of a healthy snack.