Benefits of Drinking Water in Copper Vessels

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Research says that one of the worst habits that we have developed is drinking through a plastic container. You might not know but a plastic vessel is extremely harmful to contain any hot/cold substance in it.


Some researchers also show its carcinogenic behaviour but it hasn’t been proven yet. Long story short, plastic vessels are a big no when it comes to health and hygiene.


Most naturally, now you would be searching for a substitute to replace all the toxic plastic fluid containers from your house, right?


Before you move to your nearest shopping store, we must hint you about what to buy! A copper vessel is extremely beneficial to drink water in and lays over hundreds of benefits.


Yes, literally a hundred benefits are claimed by many ayurvedic experts. To bring this fact to your notice, the copper vessels were a part of Indian lifestyle for many years and have proven to improve your health and mental well being.


If you are intrigued to know more about these miraculous copper vessels, keep on reading this article.


1. Helps Your Digestion System:

After eating a bit extra, you sometimes start feeling a little sensation in your stomach which is nothing but some inflammation. Copper has amazing bacteria killing and anti-inflammatory properties that put your digestive system back on track. 



When it comes to detox, there is nothing better than drinking in a copper vessel, literally. There’s just a copper vessel in the name of investment and no extra ingredient. Can you believe it?


A simple lifestyle change of swapping the vessel you drink water in can be that beneficial for your entire digestive system.


2. Helps in Losing Weight:

When you drink water in a copper vessel, the copper helps in breaking your fat down and improving your metabolism. Not just breaking, but copper also makes sure that your body gets eliminated of that extra layer of fat from your body.


Ever notice that extra abdominal weight? Just switch your water container and you would be good to go.


3. Helps in Healing Wounds:

Copper is known for building the immunity system in your body. Apart from this, it also does have anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and anti-microbial properties that all combine to heal your wounds faster.


Moreover, a copper element also helps in producing new cells in your body. The most benefitted organ in your body by the use of copper vessels for drinking water is your stomach. 


Copper just provides an extra wheel to your body when it comes to healing.


4. Has Anti-Ageing Properties:

What if I tell you that you don’t need that best-selling chemical based product when you simply rely on this simple home remedy?


Say goodbye to all your worries for the blemishes and fine lines to appear on your face. With amazing anti-oxidant properties, copper fights off free radicals present in your body. 


Free radicals in your body take the shape of pimples, blemishes, and fine lines. In a way, therefore, copper is combating the root cause of ageing.


5. Reduces the Risk of Cancer:

As we have talked about free radicals which can adversely affect your body in many ways. The strong antioxidant properties present in copper can help fight off these radicals which are sometimes cancer-causing too. There couldn’t be any simpler ways to present such traumatic diseases.


All you need to do is just replace all the plastic water containers in your house with copper ones.


6. Regulates the Working of Thyroid Gland:

Let us know about the root cause of the thyroid diseases. People with such diseases are found to have a lower level of copper present in their bodies.


Clearly, drinking through copper vessels can help fix this deficiency and work well for thyroid patients. 


7. Boosts Melanin Production:

When it comes to melanin, it has many amazing benefits including preventing harsh diseases such as skin cancer.


Copper is found to be one of the main elements that boost the melanin production in the body. Apart from this, drinking water in copper vessels will eliminate the dead cells and quickly develop the new ones which is an amazing recycling process.


Melanin also mitigates the colour of your eyes, skin, and hair. Thus melanin is a powerful beauty agent. 


8. Prevents Infections:

If your body is a little immune of harmful microbes prevailing almost everywhere in the environment, then you must definitely switch to copper vessels. Copper is effecting against E. Coli and S.


Aureus bacteria that are known to cause severe illness in the human body. These kinds of bacteria are almost omnipresent in nature and thus we need to find ways to prevent them from causing any illness in our bodies.


The water pH changes from 7.83 to 7.93 after staying in a copper vessel for some time. Since the water gets onto more alkaline that has uncountable benefits. Isn’t it just wonderful to have these much benefits with just a little lifestyle change?