Things To Do When You Have A Headache

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Headaches are, unfortunately, a part of our lives as adults. With a full day of deadlines, impending and most probably stressful tasks, decisions waiting to be made, getting a headache looks inevitable.


So, what do you do when this unwanted companion comes along?


For those who constantly go for analgesics and other allopathic medications, you might want to go easy as they sometimes have side effects on the long run.


Herein, we are going to share how you can actually stay off the medication and fight off a headache with time-tested home remedies.



Yes, remedies made from those special ingredients that stay packed in your kitchen shelves. Ayurvedic home remedies can easily cure severe headaches without leaving side effect.


Read on and learn about these amazing and easy-to-do hacks. 


1. Ginger up!

Do you like ginger in your tea? If yes, then you would be happy to know that it is one of many key ingredients in the preparation of Ayurvedic remedies.


Ginger has a compound named Gingerol, which has healing properties.


It is even said that putting ginger in tea can be traced to trying to stave off morning sickness. Ginger also has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. 


How to use?


Mix 1/8th of ginger in powdered form in a mug full of water and drink it quickly, It will, in less than half an hour, stop a headache.


2. Go for watermelon:

Eating a tasty fruit like watermelon to ward off your headache is actually a win-win situation for you. Sometimes, a headache is triggered by dehydration.


Watermelons do not only have high water content, they also have a rich deposit of potassium which helps with easing pain.


A drop in the volume of blood in the human body is caused by dehydration which results in an acute headache or other body pains.


Therefore, eliminating the root cause: dehydration, can result in curing your headache. Eat at least 6 slices of watermelon to see your headache go.


3. Peppermint, please:

Peppermint does not only work great as a room-diffuser but also has amazing healing properties you probably knew nothing about. Stress-induced headaches need a little cooling off to get cured. Nothing is better than peppermint oil for this.


If for some reason, peppermint oil doesn’t work for you, there are more forms in which peppermint can be used. You can find peppermint oil in gel capsules, tea, incense sticks, and chewbies. However, the most effective is oil.


Optionally, you can drink peppermint tea and it would do the job for you as well. 


•  Different ways to use peppermint oil:

-Put some drops in your bathtub
-Put 2 drops in your diffuser
-Put 1-2 drops on your pillow before sleeping. 


4. Coffee on the go:

Before going further on this point, make sure that you are not planning to doze off if you want to go for coffee to cure your headache. So also, you have to avoid taking too much as coffee can be a headache trigger as well. 


If you keep having headaches, don’t rely on your coffee. In fact, you should cut down on your caffeine intake in such cases. At the same time, you shouldn’t “quit” suddenly. For example, if you are taking two cups of coffee in the morning, you should cut down to only one. Do not go cold turkey.


5. Icy ice on your temples:

Remember childhood and how we used to put ice all over our body, sometimes letting it trickle down our ears? Well now, the only part of your body you are putting it on is on your temple for relief from a headache. Ice plays a key role in pain relief.


However, make sure that you only have the ice on your temple for 20 minutes or less in order not to exacerbate things. Also, putting ice cubes for long hours can cause damage to the skin.


6. Drink water;

The easiest and most natural remedy for headaches is drinking a lot of water. As mentioned earlier, headaches can be caused by dehydration. You know the solution, so go for it.


For some, access to fruits like watermelons might be limited or not immediately. In such a case, you can always drink lots of water to replenish your body. Trust me, your headache will go away before you would even realize it. 


As for the water, you can either drink it hot or lukewarm – whatever works for you.