Why We Should Not Watch TV While Eating?

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There was a time when people used to sit together on the dining table, chat and enjoy the meal once in a day. Apparently, life has become very fast paced.


People usually work non-stop, and then they sit and enjoy the meal as they like. This actually means most of us eat individually in a room and most probably in front of a TV while chilling or relaxing.


You shouldn’t be doing this as it is very unhealthy and has a damning effect in the long run. Here is the reason why –


1. Eating more than usual :

Various Studies and Experiment shows that a person eats more while sitting in front of a TV than he does normally especially for sugary and fat foods.


This is because, in a one hour TV show, you are bound to see a lot of food and beverage commercials which are very tempting.


This can be observed while eating popcorn while watching a movie and when eating it alone. Most of them are sugary and fat heavy, which is unhealthy and disrupt your food guide.


Hence, you will eat more such foods while sitting in front of a TV than normally. 


2. Distraction :


While multi-tasking between eating food and watching TV seems to be the easiest of all task. It is much more complicated than you think. While watching TV, it distracts you from your eating habits, and your brain won’t pay much attention to “internal processing food cues” and “Restraint to stop”. 


3. Affecting the Metabolism rate :

Studies show that watching a TV doesn’t help burning calories. Well, you might think, dining on a table and chatting might not even burn more.


You will do a small walk to balance the cycle. Then you are wrong, experts say that watching a TV whole day burns even fewer calories than resting the whole day.


Hence watching a TV and eating is even more deadly and can have serious consequence for your health.


4. Unsatisfied while eating food :

If you are watching TV, you are probably concentrating more on the food than eating. First of all, you won’t appreciate the food to its fullest as your brain is more focus on the things happening in the TV than outside of it.


That’s a crime in itself. Secondly, your brain hasn’t registered the food yet, and you are likely to feel hungry in a short while.


An experiment conducted on a few people proved this theory and people who ate their lunch while watching a TV show, ate more cookies after a few while than people who weren’t watching the TV show.



5. Binge eating Unhealthy Food :

Have you ever felt the need to just eat something which watching TV? This is because many experts say that watching TV triggers munching in both kids and adults.


The temptation would be to eat any snacks as you are bored from TV. You would eat all sort of unhealthy food. Watching TV triggers eating unhealthy food and if it is left unchecked, it will lead to obesity, high cholesterol, etc. Hence you need to keep a watch yourself while eating. 



6. No family interaction :


As you are previously pre-occupied with watching and eating food, it is likely you won’t interact with your family or friends even if they are sitting next to you. Your family conversation which was so normal and relieving becomes a memory now because of your tight schedule and the habit to eat while watching TV.


7. Speed of eating :


Now this varies from person to person, some eat very slowly while watching while others finish fast than usual. Adults generally show the latter tendencies where they eat faster if an action or thrilling since is on screen.


While the younger audience often sits with their lunch and eat nothing while watching TV. Both of which are bad habits and affects your body’s metabolism rate in a bad way. 



These are the various issues that might appear in your life if you have a habit of eating food while watching TV. Try to get rid of them as early as possible.