Losing weight requires a lot of sacrifice and determination. Along with that, you need the right diet to achieve your goal.
Juices are an important inclusion in a weight-loss diet. A lot of people make a silly mistake where they abandon their regular diet for a liquid diet.
This won’t help them lose them; instead, you need to systematically drink juice to increase your metabolism, and this will help burn more calories. Another catch in drinking juices is that every juicy is different in its nutrient quality and consistency.
Hence, we brought you 5 healthy juices to lose fat.
1. Carrot Juice :
If you are thinking of losing weight, test your commitment with carrot juice. They aren’t tasty to drink but have low calories and full of fiber.
The ideal time to drink is after breakfast, as the high fiber content would keep you full till lunch, and this prevents any snacks in between.
Carrot juice assists bile secretion that increases burning fat. If you don’t like the taste of carrot, add half orange, apple, or ginger to make it juice while the ideal would be to consume it without any strain.
2. Orange Juice :
If you are addicted to soft drinks or soda cans, then you should immediately start drinking orange juice. It is a low-calorie juice, which means you get the taste of soft drinks with very little sugar.
Orange juice is marked as a negative calorie juice. That means your body requires additional calories to burn the juice. So, you are consuming something tasty while losing weight.
You can even use the skin of orange for home beauty treatments. You can drink the juice anytime in the day. Our tip is to drink it with a salad to compensate for taste.
3. Beetroot Juice :
A lesser-known vegetable but extremely useful in your weight loss diet. Beetroot is filled with nutrients and doesn’t have any fats or cholesterol.
The juice helps maintain a clear bowel movement meaning food isn’t struck in between stomach and intestine. Plus, they are a good source of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber.
However, the juice isn’t everyone's drink. So, add a few drops of lemon, a pinch of salt, or tomato to enhance the taste, and it is easy to drink.
Beetroot also increases blood circulation in your body, so you have more one reason as to why drink it.
4. Watermelon Juice :
Watermelon is known to keep you hydrated and is a staple in many humid countries. Its juice is no different. This juice provides you with only 30 calories per 100 grams while helping your stomach stay fresh.
It has a rich amino acid arginine, which works wonder in burning fat. So, if you are going to the gym or coming back after a day in the field, you should definitely opt for watermelon juice.
Now a lot of people don’t like its seeds and but it doesn’t have any side effects so, we suggest you drink it alongside the juice.
5. Amla Juice :
Start your day with a glass of Amla juice, and it will work wonders with your digestive system. It is believed that amla juice accelerates your metabolism like no other.
This helps burn more fat. So, make a habit of drinking amla juice every day without fail. You can also add a drop of honey as it will keep your body active and energetic for the day.
However, beware of eating it dry as you might fall for the taste, or it will sour your mouth, and this would make it harmful to drink. So, we bet that you only use it for juice.
So, these are 5 juices that you can drink to increase vitamin, nutrient, and fiber content in your body. They will assist you to keep your weight loss on track with very little effort. So, don’t forget to drink a glass of juice every day.