Effects Of Over Sleeping

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When it comes to sleep, can you have too much of a good thing? It's actually a good night's rest that is fundamental for wellbeing. But, oversleeping has been connected to a large group of medical issues, including diabetes, coronary illness, and increased risk of death.


We all know that not getting enough rest is terrible for us, but oversleeping can be similarly harmful. These Negative Effects Of Sleeping Too Much might just motivate you to get up before the early afternoon next weekend.


1. Obesity or Weight Gain :

Oversleeping powerfully affects how your body stores fat, and it's capacity to lose it. An investigation showed exactly how powerful the impact of sleeping a lot is on weight gain.


Sleeping excessively or too little could cause you to weigh excessively, too. One recent investigation demonstrated that individuals who slept for nine or 10 hours consistently were 21% more likely to become obese over a six-year time frame than were people who slept somewhere in the range of seven and eight hours.


This relationship between rest and weight continued remained the same even when food intake and exercise were considered.


2. Diabetes :

Strangely, the physical side effects and symptoms of sleeping too little mirror what happens when people are sleeping excessively or too much.


One regularly noted side effect is diabetes. By not adjusting and balancing the rest cycle, the body's capacity to deal with glucose is negatively affected, and this is firmly connected to instances of diabetes.


3. Sadness or Depression :

Although insomnia or a sleeping disorder is more generally connected to sadness or depression than sleeping too much, generally 15% of people with depression sleep excessively.


This may in turn make their depression worse. That's because regular rest or sleep habits are essential to the recovery process.


4. Migraines Or Headaches :

Have you ever woken up from a 12-hour sleep with a headache or brain fog?


A likely culprit is caffeine withdrawal, as your body is likely used to getting its daily dose hours earlier If you're not a caffeine consumer, another possible reason is lack of hydration, since you have gone a few additional hours with no liquid.


5. Premature Aging :

Constant sleeping in really makes your mind age quicker! Particularly in older adults, oversleeping has been shown to age your brain by as much as 2 years.


This results in poor concentration, memory and influences your capacity to perform fundamental everyday tasks; and may build your risk of creating mental degenerative problems.


6. Weakness Or Fatigue :

Longer periods spent in bed are related to more frequent awakenings and in general less restful sleep.


In turn, daytime weakness has negative outcomes on all parts of your life: diminishing your state of mind, hindering mental abilities, and even raising your risk of having an accident.


7. Heart Disease :

This not-so-silent killer is connected to a wide range of ways of life habits, including sleeping excessively. Again, you might be oversleeping because of a symptom of coronary illness, or your habit of oversleeping could be worsening the situation.


If heart disease runs in your family or you have worries about your susceptibility, talk with a medical expert.


What we can advise you is that an investigation of 72,000 ladies who rested over nine hours per night showed that they were 38% bound to have heart disease than normal sleepers.


8. Death :


Though it sounds extreme, it shouldn't be totally disregarded. Long sleep duration is firmly associated with increased mortality. The real reason hasn't been determined.


One theory is that people with chronic or undiagnosed diseases are sleeping more and weren't healthy, to begin with. This statistic is additionally connected to individuals who are of lower socioeconomic status who may not be under regular medical care.


Either way, if you find that you're routinely sleeping more than eight to nine hours and still feel exhausted, it's something to address.


9. Back Pain :

If you suffer from back pain, sleeping too long can worsen your signs. Sleeping too much — particularly in an unideal position — causes muscle stiffness, and increases pain.


Specialists suggest that individuals with back pain stay active, and oversleeping restricts the time you have available to spend working out.