Fennel seed (variyali) is one of the oldest herbs used for medicinal and culinary purposes. Sanskrit literatures mention the cultivation and importance of fennel in India since around 2000 BC.
It was even in use by the Greeks and Romans, who saw it as a symbol of success. Having fennel seeds after a meal is a prevalent practice in India as it aids digestion and freshens the breath.
It contains vitamins, magnesium, calcium, manganese, iron, dietary fiber and various antioxidants. It has unique health benefits which include:
1. Improves Digestive Health :
Fennel seeds help ease the digestion process due to their high fiber content. Fibers move through the digestive system and clean it.
In addition, fennel seeds contain essential oils that boost the digestive juices in the stomach that help with the proper absorption of nutrients.
2. Helps With Anemia :
Deficiency of iron leads to diseases like anemia. Fennel seeds contain iron and histidine (an amino acid) that are helpful in treating anemia.
This is because iron is a chief constituent of hemoglobin and histidine boosts the production of hemoglobin.
3. Improves Bone Health :
Fennel seeds are rich in iron, calcium, vitamin K, phosphorus and manganese that help strengthen the bones and lower the risk of bone fractures.
4. Reduces Cholesterol Level :
Along with easy digestion of food, the fiber content present in fennel seeds also helps in regulating the cholesterol level in the blood.
It helps in maintaining healthy cholesterol and eliminates unhealthy cholesterol that plays a role in heart disease.
5. Regulates Blood Pressure :
Fennel seeds help in regulating the blood pressure due to their high potassium and low sodium content.
Potassium acts as a vasodilator by relaxing the blood vessels, thereby reducing blood pressure.
6. Aids Female Health :
Fennel seeds help during menstruation by regulating hormonal actions in the body. It also reduces the effects of PMS and improves menopausal symptoms.
It increases the formation of new tissues in the breast and boosts milk production in lactating women.
7. Protects The Eyes :
The presence of antioxidants like flavonoids, zinc, and vitamin C improves the vision and reduces inflammation. It prevents damage of oxidative stress and macular degeneration.
It also helps improve night vision and protects against retinal damages.
8. Boosts Immunity :
Fennel seeds contain vitamin C which is an essential element in our diet. It helps in the production and repair of skin tissues, protects the blood vessels and boosts the immune system in the fight against diseases and infections.
9. Acts As a Cooling Agent :
Fennel seeds act as natural cooling agents for the body. They stimulate the secretion of digestive juices without increasing the acidic level in the body. It balances the pH level in your body, reducing acid reflux.
10. Improves Skin Health :
The antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of fennel seeds work wonders for skin problems. They help in the formation of collagen and slow down premature aging effects, resulting in the healthy, glowing and flawless skin.