The most common and strange feeling everyone have is extreme shyness.
Few people are really so much shy to even look into someone’s eyes in public.
A little shyness is fine, but we should never have so much of that to change our mental state and perspective on the things and people we see and meet.
It may make both you and others uncomfortable in many instances.
Look into the following tips which help you in overcoming shyness.
1. Think what makes you shy :
Analyze your behaviour and make a list of the things that makes you feel shy. None can understand you better than your own self.
2. Figure out your triggers :
Check what embarrasses you more. Talking to strangers or openly to known people, anything can be included in the list.
3. Learn from others :
We really get attracted to someone who talks so fearlessly to anyone. See how they can be able to make it and learn by seeing them.
4. Practice to have good gesture :
Keeping eye contact and having a good gesture can remove half of your shyness.
5. Look at yourself being not shy and conquer it :
Visualize you in a place speaking openly and fearlessly to strangers in a crowd or something without being shy. This creates you a way to conquer it.